Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Winter Immune Essentials

It seems that as soon as the weather cools the cold and flu season hits. Having had an influx of patients over the last few weeks with colds, sore throats, sinus infections and coughs it is important to make sure you are prepared should you feel the dreaded flu lurking…. Because while it is normal for an adult to experience 2-3 colds a year, these should only last a couple of days at a time and all the research shows that if you get on top of the symptoms as soon as they start you should not be sick for long. Here are some of the handiest products and foods to keep in the house to support immune health- think of them as your natural medicine cabinet essentials.

Mediherb throat spray
Using a combination of marshmallow root, echinacea, sage, calendula, myrhh and clove, this spray works via a few different mechanisms. Not only does it give relief of the pain associated with a sore throat due to its demulcent and soothing activity, but it has local antimicrobial, anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory actions. It comes in an easy to use spray bottle which allows you to spray it straight into the throat a few times a day as needed and kill those germs that cause infection. It’s a good idea to have some in the house so it can be used at first sign of pain or infections for quick results.

Metagenics Nasoclear nasal spray
Nasoclear is a saline solution with the added benefit of including essential oils. Lavender and peppermint are astringent herbs to dry up mucous and both the thyme and eucalyptus and kill infections. While the benefits of flushing out the nose with saline are well known, having the essentials oils included is an easy way to get straight to the nasal passages and not only drain mucous but kill microbes and inhibit further mucous congestion all at once. I have seen amazing results with this product for sinus patients, some who have had sinus issues for YEARS completely clear out after using the spray.

Manuka honey
Manuka honey has natural antibacterial properties (and tastes good!). A spoonful can help a sore, irritated or itchy throat, calm a cough and can even be used topically on the skin for wounds. It can be used to flavour a flu brew tea (see our website for recipe) or to disguise the taste of herbs or garlic for kids. Manuka honey can be found in most health food stores and will have a UMF reading to describe its antibacterial strength. Use a 25-35+ UMF for immune health.

Garlic is nature’s own antibiotic and should always be on hand to cope with colds and flus. You can consume it by adding into foods (such as stir frys or raw into salad dressings) as normal. However you should look at increasing your intake when unwell. Try rubbing raw garlic over your toast before adding your toppings, such as avocado. Add garlic into a fresh juice or your herbal teas. You can add a crushed garlic clove to olive oil to make olive oil ear drops for ear infections and ‘garlic socks’ work well on infants. Yes, the odour will be evident for a few days but better to be smelly then sick.

Remember that if you start to feel an infection coming on it is important to address it quickly to prevent an infection lingering. 
Both the Nasoclear and Throat sprays will be in the clinic and available through winter should you need them. 
Call us if you need more support or for an express cold and flu appointment.

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