Want to regain
that spring in your step, enhance the morning motivation for exercise, find an
alternative to the caffeine reliance?

GOOD SLEEP – Aim for 6 hours as a minimum. Create “self settling” habits (those
who are mothers will understand what this means!) – avoid screen time for 1
hour before bed, bath, stretch, breathe, meditate, make chamomile tea.
Magnesium and herbs such as Valerian, Kava, Passionflower and Hops can assist
in a deep restorative sleep if stress high. Melatonin can help shift workers
and frequent flyers.
YOUR LIVER – minimise alcohol. Aim for at least 4 alcohol free nights per week
and avoid binge drinking (it can throw your system out for days). Know your
standard drink size – most of my patients underestimate the amount they drink
(eg. a glass of wine is 100ml). Women are particularly sensitive to the
disruptive effects of alcohol on their sleep, especially after childbearing and
during menopause.
DINNER PROPERLY – Leave 2 hours between dinner and bed. Don’t over eat.
Minimise sugar and alcohol. Don’t go
carb free – your body needs carbohydrates in the evening to make serotonin and
THE SNORING & WATCH YOUR WEIGHT – sleep apnoea, insulin resistance and
metabolic syndrome are all associated with poor sleep and energy deficit during
the day. Losing weight and being assessed at a sleep clinic may be necessary.
VITAL, BE PROACTIVE – Physical, Mental and Emotional factors will influence
vitality and morning fatigue. Many underlying health issues affect our zest for
life – these include: anaemia/iron deficiency, B vitamin deficiency, food
allergies, thyroid conditions, CFS/fibromyalgia, diabetes, arthritis,
menopause, adrenal exhaustion and depression. If you are concerned about your
health, be proactive and seek guidance from a health professional.
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