Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Chemical Sensitivity Week

This week May 6th to 12th marks Chemical Sensitivity week.

The NSW department of health reports that 2.1% of children and 2.9% of adults have been diagnosed
with a chemical sensitivity.
Those are big statistics for a condition that many people are unaware exists! 
People with a chemical sensitivity can suffer from a range of symptoms that are often unexplained such as headaches, fatigue, asthma, sinusitis, nausea, dry or sore eyes, joint pain, rashes and poor cognition or memory problems. The most common chemical culprits include pesticides, exhaust fumes, perfumes, fragrances, air freshener, washing powders, chlorine, plastics, rubber, cleaning products, paints and cigarette smoke.

While some of these environmental pollutants cannot always be avoided, there are many we can control. This highlights yet another reason why we should be aiming to use chemical free household and personal care products where possible.  This is an important step to take for both yourself and family, but perhaps we should be thinking about how we are effecting other people we come into contact with as well. I have had patients who cannot catch public transport or take a job in an open plan office environment due to their chemical sensitivities. This has a hugely debilitating effect on their life.

Think about just how many different chemicals you may have been exposed to via beauty products by the time you leave the house in the morning- soap, body wash, face wash, toothpaste, shampoo, condition, moisturizer, perfume, deodorant and make-up. I challenge you to check the ingredients list of your products next time you are getting ready for the day and see just how many chemicals you are being exposed to each day.

It is a similar story with cleaning products - there is an abundance of chemicals found in everyday household products that we are exposed to every day.

Start with small changes. As your products run out, switch to a chemical free and natural alternative. Always check the ingredients label as often products labelled ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ are not chemical free.
Eventually your house will be full of safe and friendly products!

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