Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Celebrating & Supporting Mothers

Next week (May 6 – 12) is National Mothering Week. I never knew this week existed – why isn’t it highlighted in all our diaries, husbands smart phone calendars, school term material, workplace social spaces…? Why are we just content with the one Sunday celebrating our skills, talents, sacrifices and achievements? (Mothers Day is on May 12th just in case any husbands or partners are reading this and need a gentle nudge)
The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA)* has over 200 groups around Australia that hold activities in the first week of May each year to celebrate National Mothering Week. The theme this year is “Modern motherhood – mother-to-mother support in a digital age”. Perfect really, since we know that 80% of pregnant women are seeking pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding advice on the internet (and yes, their friends too). Online communities are sprouting up everywhere to fill a deep, intuitive need – that of another woman’s support.
Traditionally, new mothers were supported by their extended family – mum, aunts, aunt’s best friends, grandmothers… Now we are living an isolated existence by comparison and many women are not getting the support they need to be the best mothers they are capable of being.

With my new discovery I plan to celebrate the WHOLE week wholeheartedly – each day giving thanks and honouring the mothers in my life. And on the Sunday there will be candles on a big chocolate cake as I inspire my children to celebrate too!

* The ABA was set up in 1964 by mothers who wanted to support other mothers. This sentiment continues today with the added support of science, academics, professionals and government. They do amazing work and are well worth connecting with -

PS. Pop this date in your diaries too – World Breastfeeding Week August 1-7. I’ll be posting 7 recipes for boosting and nourishing breast milk during that week.

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