Saturday, 17 August 2013

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW)

This year's World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) theme, 'BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT: CLOSE TO MOTHERS', highlights Breastfeeding Peer Counselling.
Even when mothers are able to get off to a good start, all too often in the weeks or months after delivery there is a sharp decline in breastfeeding rates, particularly exclusive breastfeeding. 
The period when mothers do not visit a healthcare facility is the time when a community support system for mothers is essential. Continued support to sustain breastfeeding can be provided in a variety of ways. Traditionally, support is provided by the family. As societies change, however, in particular with urbanization, support for mothers from a wider circle is needed, whether it is provided by trained health workers, lactation consultants, community leaders, or from friends who are also mothers, and/or from fathers/partners. If you are a new or experienced mum and have friends who are struggling with breastfeeding – offer them your personal success story, tell them what helped you, encourage them to seek support via the Australian Breastfeeding Association or a private lactation consultant. The benefits are huge for mother, baby, partners and our future generation.

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