Why is
margarine so bad? It is made of 'trans fats'. Trans fats are largely a man-made
product and are found in only small amounts in nature (in animal products) .
Because they are rare in the environment, we are not very good at breaking them
down and clearing them out of our body. Trans fats have actually been found to
be more highly implicated in cardiovascular disease than saturated fats, making
them a worse choice. In fact, trans fats and margarine are so bad for us, that
many countries around the world have placed a total ban on their consumption
and addition into the food supply (Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden). And
although there has been some talk and movement in Australia, the government is
yet to initiate a change and we are still encouraged to have margarine as a
so-called 'healthy' alternative to butter.
The chart above
describes just how artificial and chemical laden margarine really is. Would you
eat this now knowing how it is made?
Where are trans fats found?
well as margarine, trans fats are used in frying at high temperatures (such as
fish and chips) as they do not burn and are very cheap. The oil made from trans
fats does not go rancid quickly like other plant based oils do, so can be used
to fry over and over again without having to change the oil. Trans fats are
also found in processed foods- adding trans fats increases the shelf life of
foods and act as a natural preservative, so they are frequently found in
biscuits, cookies and commercial baked goods. If they are added to processed foods
to kill microbes, what are they doing to our insides?
Trans fats and cardiovascular health
fats are even worse than saturated fats. They not only increase LDL cholesterol
(the bad cholesterol) but also lower HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol),
increase the risk of diabetes, gall stones, and internal inflammation.
Consumption is associated with an increase risk of coronary artery disease-
this is well researched and the reason why margarine is banned in many
But what about the ‘cholesterol lowering’
margarine is made from a healthy, good oil, but turned into an artificial and
heavily processed product. There are many cholesterol lowering margarines on
the market that claim to reduce levels. And they do. This is because they add
plant sterols into the final product and these plant sterols reduce
cholesterol. It is nothing to do with the margarine, in fact you would get the
same effect from simply increasing plant sterol rich foods in your diet. This
includes lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.
How is butter made?
cows milk and shake or churn the milk until it forms butter. That is all - at
least butter is in a natural state. And of course butter is made from cow's
milk and saturated fats so is not exactly a healthy option when eaten in
excess, but in moderation at least its not a toxic man-made substance!
moral of the story?
NEVER touch margarine and enjoy butter sparingly x
I found this really interesting and concise. We have always been butter eaters and so I was glad to see we are on the right track. Thanks!