Thursday, 21 August 2014

A Mother Centred C Section

Are you needing to plan a scheduled Caesarean? Do you know someone who is? Are there ways to improve the experience for the physical and emotional wellbeing of mother and baby? Did you know you should have immediate skin-skin time with your baby after a C section? Watch these two excellent videos before you begin reading (and forward this to a friend):

With preparation and an open discussion with your doctor, you can prepare yourself for a planned or unplanned cesarean section. These more supportive procedures can help make you feel more involved in the birthing process, as well as improving breastfeeding and bonding with your newborn. Identify the following elements of a mother-friendly caesarean which most appeal to you, and ask your medical team about which of these are possible in your hospital.

  • Ask if room lights can be dimmed and theatre warmed a little to help mother and baby feel more relaxed, comfortable and allow a feeling of intimacy during the skin-on-skin time.
  • Request theatre ‘chatter’ and noise be minimised to allow the focus on the special moment of birth and first contact for the family. You may, however, wish for the doctors to explain the process as it is happening.
Preparation & Practicalities
  • Prior to delivery, practice breathing and relaxation techniques that you can use during the procedure.
  • Decide what photos you would like taken and who will take them
  • Ask the anesthetist to ensure you have at least one arm free to envelope the baby for easier skin-to-skin contact after delivery.
  • Ensure your ‘theatre gown’ is removed or moved in preparation for complete skin-to-skin contact.

  • Have your support people in with you. While policy prevents a crowd of bystanders in the theatre, the partner and a Doula are welcomed in a mother-friendly caesarean. A doula is valued as a support to both parents, especially the mother if the dad needs to go with the baby for extra attention.
  • Request that the surgery be performed more slowly. (see Video 1.) The extra time taken to ‘walk the baby’s body out’ allows the uterus to squeeze excess fluid out of the lungs. (This process occurs during a vaginal birth and is important for healthy breathing after birth.) Once the baby’s head is out, the doctor may wait a couple of minutes before lifting the baby’s body out for this purpose.
  • Request the screen to be lowered at the point of delivery, so you can watch your baby being born. The abdominal incision will remain hidden from view, but you will be able to see your baby being gently lifted out from your uterus. In a mother-friendly caesarean, time and care is taken to allow mothers to feel more involved in the birth process.
  • Request a delay in cord clamping until it stops pulsingThe health benefits to baby are well documented and will be supported by your doctor if all is travelling well with the birth. 
  • Ensure immediate skin-to-skin contact, as long as you and the baby are healthy. At a mother/family-friendly caesarean, skin-to-skin is a priority. As well as aiding with bonding, skin to skin immediately after birth has been found to regulate the baby’s body temperature & breathing and increase the likelihood of breastfeeding.
  • Request the opportunity to breastfeed within the first half to one hour and have baby stay with you throughout your time in theatre and recoveryBreastfeeding within that first half to one hour increases your chances of successful breastfeeding, and is considered to be an important part of postnatal care. You are able to breastfeed whilst still on the operating table.
  • The immediate minutes and hours post-birth are very important for mother-baby bonding. In a mother-friendly caesarean, the amount of time you spent separated from your baby will be limited. 

If you would like more information on C Section support or natural birthing preparation, call the clinic on 9976 5466.

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