out Karen (http://instagram.com/klatter38) and Hayley’s (http://instagram.com/hayley_stockbridge_naturopath) Instagram for a nudge in
the healthy meal ideas and a healthy attitude to life. I am always amazed at
how organised Hayley is with her delicious breakfasts!
is not enough room here to roll out lots of meal plans, recipes and ingredient
substitutes. In fact, there are many books and websites that do a great job of
that. So here is a compilation of a few resources to help you along the way.
And of course, for an individualised approach to addressing your intolerances
and nutritional needs give us a call.
Elimination Diet Handbook – available for sale from sydney health & fertility - http://www.sswahs.nsw.gov.au/rpa/allergy/resources/foodintol/handbook.html
Friendly Food Recipe book – gluten, dairy, egg, nut free and low food
chemical recipe book to support the Elimination Diet - http://www.sswahs.nsw.gov.au/rpa/allergy/resources/foodintol/friendlyfood.html
Gluten-free recipe Blog by a woman who loves food -http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com.au/p/meet-karina.html
Low FODMAP diet – official Monash University website -http://www.med.monash.edu/cecs/gastro/fodmap/
Wholefood cookbooks and blog by inspirational Jude Blereau -http://www.wholefoodcooking.com.au/index.html
PS. Spread the love… Let us know
of your favourite recipe blog, website or instagram on our facebook page.
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