This approach mirrors what dedicated exercise physiologists do – they
are searching for ways to aid recovery and improve wellbeing that are beyond
just ‘exercising’. Naturopathy can support correct physiology through a number
of avenues.
Some include:
Some include:
Identification & reduction of
inflammatory triggers
(think dietary assessment and adjustment, toxin and allergy screening, body
composition testing, essential fatty acid testing)
Enhancement of anti-inflammatory pathways (through dietary adjustment and nutritional
& herbal supplementation such as fish oil and turmeric extract)
Support of the body’s own repair response (minerals, antioxidant nutrients, essential
fatty acids, immune & adrenal herbal tonics are useful especially for long
term conditions)
Facilitation of improved organ function (for example - improving digestion enhances
nutritional status, improving blood
sugar regulation reduces diabetes risk,
improving stress response enhances
fertility in both sexes, improving sleep quality boosts energy & assists weight loss)… and the list goes on!
Through the use of traditional & modern assessment techniques, herbal
& nutritional medicine, and a good dose of common sense, Naturopathy is a
solid practice of ‘Natural Medicine’ with the aim of achieving full health
rather than just treating disease.
Exercise Programs We prevent and treat a diverse range of injuries using hands on exercise modalities as well as the most sophisticated electrotherapy technology to get the best results.