Food from Plants
Well I am finally biting the bullet, creative juices flowing, committing to a weekly juicy bite to send out to the world. I have roped in my colleagues Karen and Hayley to contribute too - their insight & perspective on wellbeing, nutrition, herbal medicine and what makes us healthy is spot-on. Karen recently embarked on a 'must practice what I preach' detox and will share her experience in the following weeks. I can feel myself get a little itchy, on the verge of daily postings that irritate even the most avid fans...this should be fun!
So in brief, a bit of food for thought for this week - the key to healthy eating lies in not what we shouldn't eat (there is plenty of that we know about), but what we SHOULD be eating.
Food from Plants.
Only 9% of Australian adults, according to the Bureau of Statistics, consume the recommended daily intake of vegetables (5 serves) and fruit (1 -2 serves). And just to shock you even more (I made an audible 'what!' when I read this) - 40% of Australians do not recall eating ANY vegetables on a given day. Imagine how we could change our health outlook if we simply ate more plant food?
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