Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Enough thinking...time for creating.

So much information running around in my brain about pesticides in food, technical notes about probiotics, inspired thoughts about how to help shift a depleted patient onto the road upwards to recovery

... and what do I do? 

...take a quick look at the food blogs I receive each week for some lovely photos of food!! 

Yes, the secret is out - I am a closet foodie, finding therapy in glossy pictures of delectable food (most of which I will never cook or taste because the reality of life is I have an 8 and 3 year old who are not adventurous in the ways of the palate and I am too tired of fighting a culinary battle each night). 

But things must change, I vow. 

I must make that dahl recipe a kind and skilled patient gave me. 
I will make those bliss balls I scoffed and then insisted on the recipe.... THANKYOU MARIA!

Enough thinking ... time for creating.

Happy Easter

Fig and almond balls

Figs and almonds are rich in calcium, magnesium and fibre.

8 dried good quality figs
150 g raw almonds
Zest of 1 lime
Juice of ½ lime
1 tsp ground cinnamon
A pinch of salt
80 ml (1/3 cup) of water
Seeds of half a vanilla bean
Dessicated coconut

Makes approximately 20 raw food balls

Mix all ingredients except dessicated coconut in a food processor.
Form into 1 tsp balls and then roll in dessicated coconut to cover.