Wednesday, 20 February 2013

The Vision for 2013

February already who can believe we are one month in already? I feel  a little more ready to take on 2013, as already I have attended a Vision Board work shop (thanks to Kyla at Your Power Centre,( and have my goals for the year clearly fixed. There is a lot more work to do on this month by month, but somehow even having made a start feels like I am well on the way to achieving my goals. Beats my 2012 preparation already, as a hectic start to the last year, meant I did not wake up to myself and what I wanted for 6 months, then I spent the rest of the year one step behind. I am determined to make 2013 different and a ‘vision’ is the first step.

So if you haven’t already done a Vision Board and would like to – all you need is your goals for the year, a pile of magazines, some glue, any pieces of inspiration you have collected along the way and of course a board. Then factor in a little time in an inspirational space and you can get your ‘creative’ going.

Also, for the tech savy amongst you, you might like to do your vision board online, Oprah will help you take care of this at,

Happy New Year. And Happy Vision Setting.